How Do I Know if My Tile Needs Tile and Grout Cleaning?
One of the best things about tile over other options, like carpet or hardwood floors, is how easy it is to clean and maintain. And while this is certainly true, that doesn’t mean it stays pristine forever without a little TLC. If it’s been a while since you last gave your floors a deep tile and grout cleaning, it’s quite possible it is time to do so. But, how do you know for sure?
3 Signs it is Time for Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning
You don’t need to guess. There’s several signs to look for that are your floor’s way of saying “help me!” If you notice any of the signs on this list, it’s time to book a professional tile and grout cleaning.
#1 Your Grout Lines Have Become Dark
Your tile floors are more than just the tiles themselves. The grout is the line in between the tiles, holding them together. This substance is very porous, meaning it eventually traps dirt, grime, and a lot of other nasty stuff. That’s why it’s now dark. Rather than try and scrub out dirty grout lines with home cleaner products, it’s best to leave this type of work to specialized tile and grout cleaning service companies.
#2 Stains on Your Tiles
When your tiles look dirty regardless of how often you clean them, it’s a clear sign to call in the professionals! Here in Florida, we have a warm and humid environment that bacteria love just as much as we do. Due to this, your kitchen and bathroom can become a breeding ground for bacterial growth. When bacteria grow on your tiles or grout, it can cause wear on your sealant. This is not only unsightly, but unhygienic as well.
#3 Some Areas are Darker Than Others
This is a simple, yet effective trick. Find an area of your tile that is not exposed to normal soiling and traffic, like under a piece of furniture or in a corner. Then, compare the grout line color in that area with the grout color in the rest of the floor. If the high-traffic area is much darker, this is proof that the grout is getting darker and dirtier.
Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning in Palm Beach
Even if one, two, or all three of the signs listed above apply to your home, there is still hope. You can call in the professional cleaning team at Florida Tile & Grout Restoration. We are a family-owned and operated business with over 10 years of experience in the industry of tile and grout cleaning and repair. We handle cleaning tasks like this every single day, so we know exactly what to do in order to restore the like-new shine to your floors.